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How to Get More Clients as a Hairstylist.

An Extensive Guide to Getting More Hair Clients:

In the exciting world of hairstyling, getting and keeping clients is always changing. Whether you’re already experienced, or you’re just starting, these strategies can help you get more clients as a hairdresser. Think of these tactics like a map guiding you to success.

Strategies a hairstylist can use to attract and retain more clients:

Hairstylist curling the client's hair at a beauty salon

Offer Outstanding Service.

Make sure you give excellent customer service and do top-notch haircuts, styling, and treatments. This will help every client have a great experience with you.


Build a Strong Portfolio.

Share your talents by creating a portfolio that shows how good you are at working with different hair types, styles, and trends. This will help potential new clients see how skilled you are.


Create a Personal Brand.

Create your own special style and look that clients can connect with. This will help you be different and noticeable in a busy market.


Target Niche Markets.

Concentrate on certain areas like weddings, events, or specific hair types. Doing this will help you stand out and bring in clients who are looking for those special things.


Continue Your Education.

Keep learning and getting better by investing in training and education. This will make your skills stronger and help you stay competitive in the field.


Stay Current with Trends.

Stay in the loop with the newest hair trends and techniques. This way, you can offer the modern and popular services that your salon clientele wants.


Offer a Variety of Services.

Offer lots of different hair services like haircuts, styling, coloring, extensions, treatments, and more. This way, you can meet the needs of all kinds of clients.


Make Online Booking Easy.

Let clients book appointments online whenever they want. Salon software makes it easy for them to pick a time that works best for them.


Offer Online Consultations.

Give potential customers the option to have online video chats before they book an appointment. This helps them ask questions or discuss any worries they have.


Make Your Online Presence Known.

Create a good website and keep your social media accounts (like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest) active. This is where you can show your work, talk with existing clients, and give helpful tips.

Read More: How to Build a Strong Online Presence.


Invest in Local SEO.

Make sure your salon appears when people in your area search for hairstylists. This helps new clients find you easily.


Update Google Business Profile.

Make a Google Business listing and make it better so that it appears when people search for a salon near them. It’s like a business page on Google. Put important stuff like where you are, when you’re open, and some pictures on your local business listing.


Get More Online Reviews.

Ask happy clients to write good reviews on places like Google, Yelp, and social media. These reviews help new clients decide if they want to visit your salon business or not. Show comments from clients and pictures of their before-and-after looks on your website and social media.

Also, read and answer reviews nicely, whether they’re good or not so good. This shows you value making clients happy.


Stay Relevant with Email Marketing.

Keep a list of emails from loyal customers and send them newsletters to stay in touch. In the newsletters, share updates, tips, deals, and special offers. This keeps clients interested and connected.


Develop a Mobile App.

Make your own app for the salon. Clients can use it to book appointments, see what services you offer, and get messages about deals and discounts.


Start Networking.

Order some business cards and go to events, workshops, and classes related to your industry. This helps you meet other salon owners and potential clients.


Attend Community Events.

Join in on local events like fairs, charity things, and community get-togethers. This lets more people know about you and helps you meet possible clients.


Participate in Charitable Initiatives.

Do kind things for your community, like giving free haircuts to people who need them. This makes the community like you and helps you build a good reputation via word of mouth.


Collaborate with Influencers.

Team up with popular local social media people or beauty industry bloggers. They can help tell more people about your beauty business and what you do.


Team Up with Salons and Spas.

Work together with other nearby salons, spas, and beauty shops who target your client base. You can help each other promote services and attract new clients from different places.


Start a Referral Program.

Give your current clients a way to get discounts or prizes when they tell potential new clients about you. This makes your existing clients happy and brings in more people.


Initiate Loyalty Programs.

Make a loyalty program where clients who keep coming back get rewards. This makes them want to come back to your salon again and again.


Offer Special Promotions.

Offer short-term deals or packages for people who are new or when business is slow. This helps get more appointments during those times. Then, run Facebook ads or an Instagram ad targeting potential customers.


Publish Tutorials and Tips.

Put helpful stuff like tutorials and beauty tips about hair care on your website and social media. This makes people see you as an expert hair stylist.


Create Video Content.

Use YouTube and TikTok to upload videos about hairstyling tips, trends, and how hair changes. This helps people learn and see what’s cool in hair.


Host Workshops or Classes.

Plan workshops, tutorials, or classes about hairstyling that help clients and show how good you are. This lets people learn and see how skilled you are.


Maintain a Clean and Inviting Environment.

Keep your salon clean, comfy, and looking nice. This helps clients feel happy and comfortable when they’re there.


Hire Professional Stylist.

Choose hairstylists who are good at their job and friendly to your customer base. They should do great work and make clients feel happy about their experience.


Regularly Train Staff.

Make sure your staff keeps learning new things by giving them training regularly. This helps them know the newest ways of doing things and what’s popular now.


Give Personalized Recommendations.

Teach your stylists to give advice about hair care that fits each client’s special needs. This helps clients get the best care for their hair.

How Many of These Strategies Will You Use?

Imagine the world of hairstyling as a place where creativity meets skills. To build and keep a strong group of clients, you need to keep evolving.

Think of each strategy like a musical note in a song of success. They all work together to make sure you give excellent service, use the internet well, and always value your clients. These strategies help you shine in the world of hairstyling.

You’ll learn how to show off your work online, make your own style, and work with others. And remember, the real tune that you create is in giving your clients a relaxing and refreshing experience.

So, as you step into this journey of boosting your hairstyling business, let these strategies be your guide. They’ll help you build your own unique story. And with them, you’ll reach great achievements and make your clients happy.

The art of hairstyling, combined with these strategies, creates a beautiful picture of successful businesses and happy clients. Every step you take will be worth it.

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Chris Morgenroth is your guide to mastering the art of digital marketing. Based in the charming city of Richmond, Virginia, Chris brings over 15 years of hands-on expertise in propelling small businesses to new heights by attracting and retaining clients. Currently a pivotal force at The Styles Agency, Chris is passionate about weaving creativity and strategy to unlock the true potential of online business promotion. Join Chris on a journey of discovery as he shares invaluable insights and proven techniques to navigate the dynamic world of digital marketing. Connect with Chris on Linkedin.

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