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How to Get More Clients as a Therapist.

Getting more clients as a therapist requires a combination of effective marketing, networking, and providing excellent services. Here is a list of 28 strategies to help you attract more therapy clients.
Therapist Getting More Clients

Leverage these Marketing Strategies to Get More Therapy Clients.

Build an Online Presence:

To build your online presence, start by making a professional website where you can show what you offer, your qualifications, and how people can get in touch with you. Make sure it’s easy for search engines like Google Search to find your website by using something called Search Engine Optimization (SEO.) This helps your site show up when someone searches for a therapist. Also, be active and interesting on social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

Read More: How to Build a Strong Online Presence.

Online Directories:

For online directories, it’s like putting your therapy services in a big online phone book. You can list your services on therapist directories like Psychology Today, GoodTherapy, or TherapyDen to help people find you. If you want even more people to see your listing, you can pay a bit extra for a premium spot in these directories, kind of like getting a bigger ad in the phone book so more people notice it.

Online Therapy Platforms:

Consider joining online therapy platforms like BetterHelp or Talkspace, which are like big online therapy communities. It’s a way to meet and help more people because these platforms connect you with clients seeking mental health help. It’s kind of like expanding your therapy practice to the internet, and you can reach a lot more folks who need your support.

Google Business Profile:

Make sure your Google Business profile is in good shape. That means filling it out with the right info, adding some pictures, and sharing what your clients have said about your therapy work. When people look for therapists online, they often check out Google, so having a polished profile there can help them find you and know you’re the right fit for them.

Participate in Podcasts or Webinars:

Consider being a guest on mental health podcasts or webinars. It’s like sharing your expertise on the radio or in an online class. This way, you can talk to a larger group of people who are interested in mental health topics. It’s a great way to let more folks know about your therapy services and the knowledge you have to offer.

Stay Active in Professional Communities:

Stay involved in professional communities by joining online discussion forums, groups on social media, or attending conferences that focus on your specific area of therapy expertise.

It’s like being part of a club where therapists like you gather to talk about important topics. This can help you connect with other therapists, learn from each other, and even meet potential clients who are interested in your specialty.

Content Marketing:

Consider content marketing as a way to show your expertise. This means creating and sharing helpful blog posts, videos, or podcasts about mental health topics on your social media profiles. It’s like being a teacher and sharing your knowledge with others. When you do this, people see you as an expert in your field, and they’re more likely to trust and reach out to you when they need therapy or advice.

Email Marketing:

Think of email marketing as staying in touch with your clients and sharing important news. You can create a list of email addresses from people who are interested in your therapy services. Then, send them regular newsletters or updates.

It’s like sending a friendly letter to your clients, but through email. This way, you can keep them informed about your services and share useful information about mental health.


Advertising is like letting more people know about your therapy services. You can do this online using platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. It’s a way to show your ads to specific groups of people who might need your help, like folks in your local area or those interested in topics related to your services.

Additionally, you can also advertise in local newspapers, magazines, or community bulletin boards. These are places where people often look for services they need.

Leverage Social Proof:

You can use something called “social proof” to build trust with potential clients. This means showing off any awards, certifications, or times when the media has talked about your therapy work. It’s like getting a gold star or a pat on the back from experts or the media, and it helps people feel more confident in choosing you as their therapist. So, don’t be shy about sharing your achievements on your website and in your marketing materials—it can make a big difference in gaining people’s trust.

Cultivate a Strong Online Reputation:

To build and maintain a strong online reputation, it’s essential to handle negative reviews or feedback with professionalism and a proactive approach. When someone leaves a negative review or provides feedback, consider it as an opportunity to improve and demonstrate your commitment to client satisfaction.

Respond to negative reviews politely and empathetically, addressing their concerns and offering a solution if possible. This shows potential clients that you take feedback seriously and are dedicated to providing quality therapy services.

Utilize Existing Clients to Get More Counseling Clients.

Referral Program:

Creating a referral program can be a great way to encourage your current clients and colleagues to help you find new clients. Here’s how it works: when they refer someone to you, and that person becomes a client, you reward the person who made the referral. This could be something like a discount on their next session or a small gift as a thank-you.

It’s like saying “thank you” to your clients and colleagues for helping you grow your therapy practice by sending new clients your way. It’s a win-win situation that can benefit everyone involved.

Client Testimonials:

Client testimonials are like word-of-mouth recommendations that can help you attract more clients online. When your clients are happy with your therapy services, ask them if they’d be willing to write a short review or testimonial. You can showcase these on your website or on other platforms where potential clients might look for feedback, like Google Reviews or social media.

Positive testimonials show that you’ve helped others and can be trusted to provide effective therapy, which can make potential clients more likely to choose you as their therapist.

Ask for Referrals:

Don’t be afraid to ask your current clients if they know anyone who might benefit from your therapy services. If they’ve had a good experience with you and feel that you’ve helped them, they might be happy to refer friends, family, or colleagues who are seeking therapy.

It’s as simple as saying, “If you know anyone who could benefit from therapy, please feel free to recommend me.” This way, your satisfied clients can become advocates for your practice, helping you connect with more people who could benefit from your expertise and support.

Follow-up and Stay in Touch:

Staying in touch with former clients is a smart way to keep your therapy practice thriving. Periodically checking in with them, even after your sessions have ended, shows that you care about their well-being. You can send a friendly email or make a quick call to see how they’re doing.

This not only maintains a positive relationship but also opens the door for potential referrals or repeat business. When they know you’re available and still care, they may recommend your services to friends or return to you if they need therapy again in the future.

Team Up to Get More Clients in Private Practice.

Collaborate with Other Professionals:

Collaborating with other professionals can be a great way to expand your therapy practice. Consider teaming up with other therapists or healthcare providers. You can do co-therapy sessions together or refer clients to each other when their needs align with your colleague’s expertise. It’s like building a network of support where everyone benefits.

Collaborations can lead to a stronger therapy practice, better outcomes for clients, and more opportunities to help people in need of therapy services. It’s a win-win for both you and your clients.

Collaborate with Nonprofits:

Collaborating with nonprofit organizations can be a rewarding way to give back to the community while expanding your therapy practice. Partner with nonprofits that focus on mental health or related causes. Offer to provide pro bono (free) or reduced-cost therapy services to individuals who may not have access to mental health support otherwise.

This partnership allows you to make a positive impact on the community, help those in need, and also raise awareness about your practice. It can lead to a sense of fulfillment and potentially introduce you to new clients who may seek your services in the future.


Cross-promotions with local businesses can be a valuable strategy for therapists. Partner with businesses like yoga studios or wellness centers in your area to promote each other’s services. For example, you could offer joint promotions, where their clients receive a discount on your therapy services, and in return, you promote their services to your clients.

This collaboration creates a win-win situation, as you both benefit from increased exposure and potential referrals. It also helps you tap into a relevant and complementary audience who may be interested in mental health and wellness. Building these partnerships can strengthen your local presence and enhance your ability to reach potential clients seeking therapy services in your community.

Work with Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs):

Teaming up with Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) can be a valuable way to expand your therapy practice. These programs provide counseling services to employees of companies, helping them manage workplace-related stress, mental health challenges, and personal issues. By partnering with EAP providers, you can become one of their preferred therapists, offering your services to employees who are covered by these programs.

This collaboration can lead to a steady stream of clients and offer opportunities to support individuals in both their personal and work lives. It’s like extending your reach to help people facing various challenges, and it can be particularly beneficial if you specialize in workplace-related mental health issues.

Community Involvement:

Getting involved in your community can be a powerful way to enhance your therapy practice. Consider participating in local events or volunteering for causes that matter to you. This involvement not only allows you to give back but also increases your visibility and credibility as a therapist.

By engaging with your community, you have the chance to meet people from various backgrounds and build trust within the local network. Attend community fairs, health expos, or neighborhood gatherings where you can share information about mental health and your therapy services. Volunteering with local organizations or schools can also provide opportunities to showcase your expertise and connect with potential clients.


Networking is a critical part of growing your therapy practice. Start by attending local networking events, workshops, and conferences where you can meet potential referral sources like doctors, counselors, and representatives from community organizations. These connections can refer clients to you when they need therapy services.

Also, consider joining professional organizations related to therapy and mental health. These organizations provide opportunities to network with peers, stay updated on industry trends, and access valuable resources. Building relationships within your professional community can lead to referrals and collaborations, helping you expand your client base and strengthen your practice.

Community Workshops and Seminars:

Consider organizing workshops or seminars on subjects relevant to mental health, such as stress management, coping strategies, or improving mental well-being. Promote these events through local channels, social media, and your professional network. Hosting these gatherings not only helps raise awareness about mental health but also provides an opportunity to connect with individuals who may be seeking therapy services or know someone who does. It’s a proactive way to grow your client base while making a positive impact on your community’s mental health.

Professional Speaking Engagements:

Professional speaking engagements can significantly boost your reputation and visibility as a therapist. Consider presenting at conferences or seminars related to your field. Sharing your expertise at these events not only establishes you as an expert but also allows you to network with colleagues and potential clients.

Additionally, accept invitations to speak at local schools, colleges, or community organizations on mental health topics. This gives you the opportunity to educate a broader audience, including students, parents, and community members, about important mental health issues. It also allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to promoting mental well-being.

Attend Local Health Fairs:

Participating in local health fairs can be a fantastic way to introduce your therapy services to the community. At these events, you can set up a booth or display to showcase what you offer as a therapist. It’s like setting up a mini-information center about your practice.

Engage with visitors, answer questions, and provide materials that educate them about the importance of mental health and how therapy can help. This hands-on approach allows you to make a personal connection with potential clients and other attendees who may benefit from your services.

Additional Strategies to Get More Clients as a Therapist.

Insurance Credentials:

Becoming an in-network provider with insurance companies is a strategic move to expand your potential client base. When you’re in-network, it means you’ve formed a partnership with insurance companies to accept their clients as patients. This can make your services more accessible and appealing to individuals who have insurance coverage.

Being in-network simplifies the payment process for clients, as their insurance typically covers a portion of the therapy cost, making your services more affordable. It also increases the likelihood that individuals will choose you as their therapist since they won’t have to pay the full fee out of pocket. However, it’s important to be aware of the administrative and paperwork requirements that come with being in-network.


Specializing in a specific niche within therapy is a smart way to distinguish yourself in a competitive market. By focusing on a particular area like couples therapy, trauma counseling, or addiction treatment, you can become an expert in that field. It’s like becoming the go-to person for a specific type of therapy.

This specialization not only sets you apart but also attracts ideal clients seeking specialized help. People often prefer therapists with expertise in their specific issues because they believe they’ll receive more targeted and effective care. Additionally, it can lead to word-of-mouth referrals as satisfied clients recommend your specialized services to others facing similar challenges.

Offer Free Initial Consultations:

Offering free initial consultations is a great way to make potential clients feel at ease and confident about working with you. Think of it as an opportunity for them to get to know you and your therapy approach without any financial commitment. During these consultations, you can discuss their concerns, answer questions, and explain how you can help them.

This gesture demonstrates your commitment to their well-being and allows them to assess whether you’re the right fit for their needs. It’s like a trial session that helps build trust and rapport. Many clients appreciate this free introduction, making them more likely to choose you as their therapist.

Teletherapy Services:

Providing teletherapy services is a flexible way to connect with clients who prefer to have an online therapist. Teletherapy allows you to conduct therapy sessions through video calls or phone calls, making it convenient for clients to access your services from the comfort of their own homes. This approach is especially valuable for individuals who have busy schedules, live in remote areas, or prefer the anonymity of online therapy.

That’s a Wrap!

Implementing a combination of marketing efforts, networking, and service excellence strategies can help you attract and retain clients effectively. Building a positive online presence, seeking referrals, specializing in a niche, and offering diverse services like teletherapy can set you apart in a competitive market. Engaging with your community and leveraging opportunities to showcase your expertise through speaking engagements and workshops can help you connect with potential clients and referral sources. By following these strategies and maintaining professionalism, you can establish a thriving therapy practice that serves the needs of your clients and contributes positively to the mental health and well-being of your community.

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Chris Morgenroth is your guide to mastering the art of digital marketing. Based in the charming city of Richmond, Virginia, Chris brings over 15 years of hands-on expertise in propelling small businesses to new heights by attracting and retaining clients. Currently a pivotal force at The Styles Agency, Chris is passionate about weaving creativity and strategy to unlock the true potential of online business promotion. Join Chris on a journey of discovery as he shares invaluable insights and proven techniques to navigate the dynamic world of digital marketing. Connect with Chris on Linkedin.

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